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Old 08-22-2023, 11:07 PM   #7
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Re: Move the gas tank or no?

I agree with some others, if you have fumes in the cab - you have fuel hose issue, or leaky sending unit o-ring, or maybe a leaky tank. When I removed the tank from a truck I currently have, I was very surprised to find a line of severe rust where the truck had sat for years (roughly 35), and apparently moisture on top of the old fuel had rusted the tank. What was odd, is it was not visible on the side closest to the seat, but it sure did a job on the back side closest to the cab. Tank was obviously junk, and I found a good used tank, and putting back in cab. I gave thought to moving tank to rear, but as someone else mentioned, it = more work and zero benefit (for me anyhow).
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