Originally Posted by ray_mcavoy
When you say the "GEN does not work now", do you mean the GEN light on the dash doesn't work now?
light worked with the gen set up. does not work now with the alt.
If so, make sure you have correctly identified the terminals on the alternator. For the 12SI you're using, the GEN light wire should be connected to it's #1 terminal. The terminals are usually marked with the numbers "1" and "2" cast into the housing near them.
Also, check with the company where you bought the alternator to make sure it doesn't have a "1-wire" regulator. I don't think those regulators will operate a warning light. Those usually have the 2 small terminals capped off with a plastic or rubber plug but that might not always be the case.
Finally, you can check the GEN light by temporarily disconnecting it's wire from the alternator and touching that wire to ground. That should cause the GEN light to come on when you turn on the key. If not, check for a burned out bulb, bad connection, broken wire, etc. in the GEN light circuit.
the wires and terminals are confirmed. it is a 3 wire Delco Remy but will confirm with the manufacturer about the terms.
i know the bulb works and socket works. i will try the wire to ground and see what happens. thanks for the info