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Old 09-17-2023, 10:33 AM   #1
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Monojet blues Redux

Yet another episode of the monojet saga
Good Morning.
Three weeks ago, I acquired a fairly decent all original 1968 C-10 long bed farm truck with factory 250 L6, three speed, and a manual choke monojet "crab", #7028011.
It would start and run with the choke nearly closed just enough to limp it up on a trailer. One ear of the carb was broken where the baseplate bolts to the main body. When looking for a replacement carb to rebuild I found out that '68-69 used this carb. Before I sunk a small fortune into a monojet just to see how this engine runs with factory carb, I cleaned the parts squeaky clean, then stuck the broken ear back together with JB Weld "steel". Success. I put it together and it ran and idled great. Going down the road has a terrible part throttle lean surge that a little choke fiddling helped get past. The patch gave me a couple weeks to run it before it let go, which is more than I expected.
I'm still searching for a good 7028011 carb to work with if I find one reasonable, but I'm not against doing a swap to a better carb that is easier to tune with more drivability. Being super budget strapped is an understatement so putting the money towards a better end result sounds good to me.
If anyone in here has that carb, or a good monoject to get me rolling while I'm putting out fires all over this truck, please holler.
Now on to the main question, has anyone in here used the chy knee nonojet sold on the auction site, and how does it work for you? It looks like a copy of a later version somewhere around '72-'78.
Preciate it.
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