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Old 10-02-2023, 02:49 AM   #3
Chevy nutcase
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Re: Exhaust manifold angle?

Originally Posted by cwcarpenter98 View Post
As long as you're keeping the engine in the correct, v8 location for 60-66 trucks, you'll want to use the straight down manifolds. The angled ones were used on the 67-72 trucks that had the v8 sitting further forward in the truck than where the 60-66 v8s sit.

What six do you have? If you have a 230 or 250, you don't have to change the frame side of the engine mounts. If you have a 292, you'll need to change the passenger side, but the driver's side is the same.
Its a 250. When I bought the truck I was hoping for a 292 at lest but now I'm glad I didn't get it lol. Now after doing a bit of research I think I'm going to go with block hugger headers as the manifolds, which I prefer the look, rob 20+ hp and 40+ ft/lbs of torque. This was the style I had my eye on
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