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Old 10-12-2023, 09:01 PM   #17
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Re: Monojet blues Redux

Originally Posted by '68OrangeSunshine View Post
OK. Sorry if I hurt your feelings. I was only concerned with the Catalytic Converter issue. Old School engines [w/o roller-rockers] need ZDDP to minimize friction that can flatten cam lobes in your engine. The Zinc from motor oil in the last 30 years has been gradually weaned out because the platinum in Cats is ruined by Zinc. You have to go out of your way to find ZDDP. Valvoline VR1 has a proper dose of it. Riselone [sp] sells a ZDDP additive, STP for 4 cylinders has ZDDP, but off the shelf autoparts store motor oil does not have Zinc any more.

As for the L6 High Performance parts spiel, I didn't mean to brag. I had no idea that stuff had gotten that expensive. I ''squandered'' a student grant at the speed shop, 45 years ago. Probably spent about $300. My goal was to make the Factory 292 run a lot faster. I lived 10 miles north of campus, and had to make a left onto a high traffic road [US 89] into town. Miners from Mammoth had gotten off the night shift, and by the time they were in my neighborhood, had time for about 3 beers and built up a good turn of speed.
It was Speed or Die.
When the school administrators learned I hadn't bought encyclopedias and pencils, they weren't impressed. To them it was all Chrome and Raccoon tails.
Anyway my investment paid off, as I was able to get the Offy intake and Clifford headers hot-tanked and bead blasted [headers repainted] after a 25 year run, and mounted on my 2005 292 rebuild. The Holley R8007 390 CFM 4160, did not last, and I had to buy an Edelbrock 1404 500 CFM carb.

I was wrong assuming you had a vintage tank with TEL deposits. The white spots are definitely corrosion.
Hard to asess a fuel fume issue 3 quarters of a continent away. Could be you're running too rich. Could be there are leaks in your exhaust pipes. Could be the tailpipes exiting before the rear wheels are not ideal for an enclosed cap above them. IDK.

Sorry for any perceived slight or insult. Not my intention at all. This website is generally positive, and all the members usually get along and help each other. Ones that don't get banned.

Enjoy running your '68, and don't listen to me.
Right on. Thanks for the reply.
I put it back as close to how it was designed to run as possible so I can live in '68 again. The speed parts comments aren't relevant to what I'm doing on this truck is the reason I hit you with that. I've modified (ruined? LoL) everything I own for the last 50 years, now I want to enjoy them like they were designed, and how they were meant to be driven. For all the time and BS I went through to make this thing back to factory I could have done an LS swap. Crazy as hell ain't it.
I'm well versed in what ZDDP is and why we need it. No amount of ZDDP is going to ruin this cat the way I drive, it won't see 2500 miles a year. Plus the fact this engine is tight as a drum, registering 135-140 on every hole. The engine is mint, truck was never abused. The original oil bath breather has to be the main reason for the good ring seal and no guide wear.
BTW, don't think I haven't been down the 6=8 rabbit hole before and certainly have the same thoughts again. Right now, I'm loving the way this truck runs and operates.
Later sunshine... lol

Originally Posted by 54blackhornet View Post
MS66 you did good ! That pickup looks awesome. I don’t believe Sunshine was trying to hurt your feelings one bit ! But installing a Cat on an older engine is out of step with us older folks. You really should not have much of a fuel smell if everything is working correctly. I have a non EEC C/20 and never smell anything. I have replaced all the rubber fuel lines and had the DuelJet rebuilt. Anyway I really appreciate you sharing the story of bringing another vintage pickup back to life. Do you sleep often in the bed ? I see a comfortable looking arrangement..Jack
Thanks man, I'm loving it!!
I know. He went off on the cat right away. I know why he did, because EVERYONE cut them off their trucks first chance they got to get more performance and get rid of the rotten egg smell. lol
Believe me, it is sort of a backwards way of thinking on these old trucks, but it's working out perfect for me. I do stuff like this that gets people to think. So far every one of my buds have liked the results. Even though, just like 95% never would have thought to do it. The truck never ran, "smelled", or sounded better.
When I got the truck it didn't have any exhaust on it. First thing, I had to pull the manifolds off to machine the two broken flange studs out of it. I'm still getting metal slivers out of my fingers from the carbide end mill I used to cut them out with.
The bed is comfortable for me. I like firm bedding, works out great. I just put all that together the day I left going to the Cruise down on the coast. I kid you not, I found the camper cap in a farmers field the day I was supposed to leave, two Saturdays ago.
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