We made it! Saturday morning my son and I started the trek to C10 Fall Revival at 6 am. We had to make a detour to pick up my friend Nick who has helped me so much along the way. After looking over the progress he has made on his truck, we continued on our way. The total journey took about 2.5 hours. Not too bad to go to one of the best C10 shows on the east coast. We made it to within about half a mile of the venue by 9 am where they were already letting trucks in early. From here to the gates it took about 30 minutes, but who could get mad being stuck in a line of C10s?!
By the time we got there we were already truck number 926! All of the premium spots were taken by this point and I was directed into the "overflow truck" area. Looking at the map prior to the show, I was worried if I were to end up there because it's hilly and full of roots, gravel, and dirt. Ultimately it turned out to be a great spot because it was a nice shady retreat when we needed a break.
After parking the truck, we had a short debate about whether or not to open the hood. I wanted to leave it closed because I like to stand back and look at the truck as a whole, but ultimately we opened it. After settling that debate we headed straight up to the main show area to look around.
Around lunch time my wife and daughter drove out to meet us at the show. It was amazing to have my whole family at the first outing with the truck since they have been huge supporters of my time and efforts spent working on it! My wife especially has always been by my side for the past 22 years inspiring me to stay motivated.
Unfortunately, my wife and kids had to leave early because their was a best friend's birthday to attend, so it was just myself and Nick for the remainder of the show. We tried our best to see everything, but with a final tally of "at least" 1488 trucks coming and going all day, we just couldn't make it to every one. We hung around until the official closing time of 5 pm and then started our ride back home.
All in all, it was an uneventful drive which is exactly what I was hoping for. The truck performed nearly perfectly, aside from a newly discovered driveshaft interference issue. With the weight of three people and our stuff in the bed the driveshaft found itself clashing with the cab floor brace a few times. I am confident this is because of all the play in the stock carrier bearing. I am currently debating between whether or not I want to install a poly bushing, or notch the cab floor brace. That, however, is a project for later. After thrashing on this thing for the last 6 months I think it's time to take a step back and slow down for a while. Now that the weather is cooling off, I have many projects around the house that need to be completed. For now, I want to get back to my normal project car philosophy of trying to enjoy driving them while I make incremental upgrades. I will still update this thread as I go. Although my posts will be fewer and farther between, I will still be here. I don't plan to let this truck go as hastily as I did my last one. For now, it's just lights out in the shop...