Re: Tailgate Jammed Shut.
OK. Now I see what I'm up against.
Stovebolt screw heads.
Every picture I've seen has Screwheads with #3 Phillips universal heads or hex cap screws.
Not here. St Louis decided slot heads would work fine. Afterall, everybody trades in their trucks for a new one every 5 years, right?
Oh well.
Last night, after determining these screws had not been touched in 52 years, I shot them a couple times with PB Blaster. I'll repeat the process, as I'm not sure of much penetration.
Have to find me a wide slot bit for the 1/4" impact driver, too.
Also gotta get 3 Phillips screws for the reinstall.
Have not ordered a new tailgate handle yet. I figured I'd look at the one I've got to see if it can be fine-tuned with a BFH, before getting a replacement of questionable quality.
Every 25 years I like to rebuild that 292, whether it needs it or not.
Last edited by '68OrangeSunshine; 11-14-2023 at 06:57 PM.