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Old 11-18-2023, 07:38 PM   #42
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Re: Tailgate Jammed Shut.

Originally Posted by RichardJ View Post
>>I can't sideline this truck. It's my daily. <<

Correct me if I'm wrong, but this Jimmy has a 350 and your 292 is in a step side? I enjoy hearing about inline six's on the road, especially 292's, What's going on with yours?
I have a 2018 Ram 3500 6.4, but the '67 292 GMC is usually the one going out the driveway.
Hi Richard -- the '68 C/10 Stepside was my daily driver from June 1973 to April 9, 2022, when I got T-boned by a big Mercury [ex cop car].

It took out my differential, and trailing arms, crushed the RH Rear stepfender, bent the passenger side wheel, and bent the prop shaft. I did not claim insurance with Allstate -- afraid they would assay it as too old, and total it. [Happened 22 years ago with my '67 K/10 Suburban] With a Salvage Title, I can't do much with rebuilding the truck, unless it's a total resto. State safety inspection required.And then the resale value is low. So rebuilding the Stepside is all out of pocket.

Ironically the 292 still purrs.
And I first changed out the Float in the Gas tank, then the whole sender, then the gasket again. Indication on gauge is a lot better, but now I get in-cab fumes. Not a major gripe.

Parts accumulated: used Trailing Arms $120. New bushings, $20. Machinist's charge for pressing in bushings, $100. Pass Side rear Step fender, $350.
I had the core [$200] of a rear carrier rebuilt -- $1250~. Salvaged and rebuilt my Eaton Posi, $350.
Install rebuilt rearend and trailing arms, $600. Fresh rear brake cables, $200.

After getting the Stepside back on the road, I noticed steering pulls right -- Wheel points to 2 O'Clock. Brakemasters could not align. Suspect bent frame. No more real steel frame shops in Tucson, anymore.
Excessive vibration at speeds over 66 MPH, a shop told me, is due to a big dent in the Propeller Shaft.
Stepside is still a grocery getter, if I stay off the floorboard, but I haven't dropped the Shaft for inspection with a driveshaft specialist yet. That will sideline it until the PropShaft issue is corrected.

So the Jimmy is now my Daily.

Every 25 years I like to rebuild that 292, whether it needs it or not.

Last edited by '68OrangeSunshine; 11-18-2023 at 07:48 PM.
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