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Old 11-18-2023, 10:24 PM   #1
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Join Date: Dec 2018
Location: Ewa Beach Hawaii
Posts: 73
CPP Modular Spindles built in Negative Camber

I've bagged my 70 C10 and am currently using McGaughy's drop spindles. They have a pretty good amount of negative camber built into them. I'm sure that's the mimic the stock geometry. My question is does anyone know if the CPP Modular spindles have this built in as well? I've noticed most, if not all, drop member companies use these spindles. I can't seem to get any info or pics of them from the side but they look like they are way less canted or offset. My issue is my lower ball joint binds when I raise the truck and if I add in a lot of camber I can alleviate it significantly. Ill post a pic of the spindles I have and also a set of Belltech spindles as well. They are identical. Just curious about the CPP ones before I spend dollars only to find out they are the same. Thanks guys!
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