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Old 11-22-2023, 07:26 AM   #163
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Re: Dealer Emblems and Stickers

These cheezy chrome dealer emblems are nicer than any trim put on the most expensive cars today

Originally Posted by 4793 View Post
I know some folks don't like giving a dealer free advertising. It never bothered me. As I've gotten older and a lot of things I thought were permanent have disappeared, preserving that little bit of history you get with a dealer sticker has some value. It also serves as an indicator of how many owners a vehicle may have had.
I feel kind of the same. I always removed the emblems, never liked them. It's not about free advertising, just didn't want it stuck on my truck. But I had an '85 Jimmy that came from a local GMC/White Tractor dealership and I cherished that decal on the tailgate. The dealership is gone now, but they started out selling horse-drawn farm equipment before GMC made a truck or Oliver made a tractor. Knott & Geisbert, and it was still in both families. In my owners manual cover booklet there was a Knott & Geisbert business card with a Knott being Service manager and a Geisbert being the sales manager
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