Hope all y'all had a good Thanksgiving.
We moved 4 years ago after spending the previous 19 years upgrading that house, cutting down/tearing out dozens of box elder, cottonwood and hundreds of buckthorn trees. Planting Maples, flowering crab trees and other desirable foliage/perennial flowers, etc. Damn place looked like a park and then we move... I told my wife I don't have another 19 years for that, so we are trying to cram all our large, wanted/needed, changes and additions into a 5 year program. I'm closer to 72 than 71 now and it does keep me busy and tired, but we've made all the large scale goals and are down to small landscape and house changes. Well, except for the Cedar siding that will need to be re-stained soon and I won't be doing that. I've been slowly working at restoring a '67 Camaro thru all this and only work on it in the winter. My bodyman/painter friend has been a huge help in getting that moving and we hope to have it ready for paint by spring. Then the next several winters I can work on a rotisserie restoration of my '70 Chevelle...