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Old 11-26-2023, 12:10 PM   #1467
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Location: Rochester, KENT
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Re: GRIZZ’s English 2001 S10 Extra Cab 4.3 V6 Truck



Not really sure if I should try understanding the universe or Karma.

Sometimes life throws you a curved ball, sometimes it tosses a turd.

And once in a while you strike gold or is that [font color="19e66a"]GREEN[/font]?

The seller was an accomplished purveyor of tat.

Knowing that “Free Candy” would attract a certain audience.

So he stepped up his game to warp speed.

Adding a Fray Bentos steak pie to the offering.

Absolutely intrigued of course but resisted.

Not having the desired effect he added in quick succession a Pink Prime energy drink to attract those too tired to realise how alive they are.
Followed shortly by the foreign sex tourists beacon, a cream Panama hat.

I nearly walked away when the next offering was added to the steadily growing sacrificial pile.
A half dozen faggots to start the party off.
I make better meatballs.

Just in time, his next offering had my interest reignited.
Home brew beer making kit. Much more grown up.

I was still not quite convinced that I needed to drive a little green French toad.

Until he played to most dirty, unfair and trumpest of trump cards.



I threw my money at him and made a buy.

My life would be complete.

So I got insurance and road tax shaken out of my piggy bank and agreed a collection date as long as not a Tuesday.

Next job……. Figure collecting this thing of beauty.

The Chevy Astro was a few trains and station collection followed by 200 miles drive home.
VW Caddy was three trains and a tube, station collection in Zel’s awesome Rover and 104 miles drive home.
I really did not feel like three trains and a tube to then do a 77 mile drive home.

So I hinted really hard at good mate Woodsie to help and he offered to drive me up early on Saturday morning as we both had appointments by midday.

6.45 we headed out, still dark.

Woodsie stuck to the left lane at 65mph maximum 70 and proved a point. We were there quicker than my usual right lane driving.

By the time we got there at exactly 08,00 and thirty minutes earlier than anticipated it was -3’C out on the sidewalk where the seller met us and handed us car, documents, keys, and all the sweetners.
Kevin pounced on the cucumber bucket hat like a cat on a tin of tuna. His new music festival hat. His wife was not impressed when I sent her the pic below.

So after half an hours chatting we headed back to the motorway via a truck stop so I could get some unleaded in the cars belly.

Parking up behind Kevins not so subtle camper bus showed how small the little toad is.

Next up….

Breakfast ordered from Jamie in the food van.

Totally open to the elements I felt sorry for him freezing his nuts off.

And he just stayed happy and chatty. Making our bacon and egg crusty rolls and coffee.

Tell you what, someone is going to marry a good cook.

Super nice and really nice quality bacon.

Pose time.

Then scoff.

After breakfast we headed back onto the M1 motorway down to the M25.
Amazingly quiet and easy driving.

I took a pic of the speedo as we started out.

Nice baseline to work from.

The two litre engine is so eager and willing on the riad.
Totally unstressed
I think it could do with a 6th gear to drip the revs down from 3k at 70mph.

Home by 10.45

All my treasures unpacked from the cavernous trunk/boot.

No spare wheel but a tin of PUCK tyre gloop in French.

Not ideal but insurance came with RAC recovery.

Hopefully better than my experience with Green Flag.

In short succession mate Fil @sparkplug and then @nickwheeler arrived.

The usual pisstake from Nick and Fil.

Not jealous at all.

Maybe surprise.

We tried to get a thumbs up from Nick.


I did also approach the onboard super computer and set the time and date.
Oh, and the radio.
Could be a pointless exercise though based on the sellers disclosure and advertising.

And for those interested in a shorter video…….

Cold out today but I look forward to investigating it all.

Another day.
MY BUILD LINK:]Redneck Express - 1966 C10 Short Fleetside
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