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Old 12-19-2023, 12:52 PM   #22
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Re: Thermostat temps

Originally Posted by CSchmidt View Post
running a 160 degree thermostat now and it seemed to fix the issue.
100% did not fix anything.
our high was 74 degrees yesterday. You should physically be able to remove your fan assembly and sit it in the grgae and go drive your truck all day long. Unless of course you get stuck on grand and have to wait for a train.
There is an issue with your system. The issue could range from the driver thinking its too hot. The temp sensors in the wrong position making it seem to hot. The gauge and or sensor are showing incorrect temps. Or there is a hardware issue such as plugged rad, bad water pump=tstat etc.
It appears you have a basic SBC. Is it stock? Where is the timing set? Fuel injected? Carb? When was it last tuned on a dyno? Distributor recurved?
Unless youre trying to get every HP from the engine and are down to the last race and trying everything possible, a 160 t-stat is doing more harm than good.
If an engine doesn’t get hot, it wont burn off the condensation inside of it. That turns to bad stuff that kills bearings.

It’s yours, you can leave the 160 in it and never look back, or you can find the cause of the issue and correct it now, before its 118 outside.

-fellow zonie
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