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Old 12-30-2023, 04:16 PM   #14
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Re: Nos k20 spicer hub rings and blue dials

Hi all,

Has anyone heard from atog? I'm concerned something may have happened to him.
The last communication I had with him was a private message he sent me on 12/27 regarding payment for these NOS hubs.
I sent payment for the hubs that same afternoon on the 27th and have not heard from him since, even after sending several private messages.
Looks like his last activity here on the board was 12/27. Definitely not like him to not respond, as his communication in the past has been prompt. Atog had planned to ship the hubs the following day after payment was received and that was three days ago now, so I'm concerned.
I tried calling a number I found on-line that I believe is his and left a message this morning.
If anyone has contact info for him or is close by, would please reach out to him to make sure he is okay. Please report back if you're able to reach him.

Thank you,

Last edited by 72Cheyenne454; 12-30-2023 at 10:31 PM.
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