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Old 01-07-2024, 02:38 PM   #15
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Re: 1970 Blazer Brake Question

Disconnect the lines at the master and plug them. This will determine if your linkage and master is working or not. If you get a stiff pedal, then you'll know the issue is with air traped in the lines or brake cylinders.
Using DOT 3/4/5 makes no difference
You didn't specify if you have front disc or drums.
What is the bore size of the master?

On some masters, you can look down inside the bowls see the pistons move if you look carefully into the small orifices.

Another thing you can try is have someone push lightly on the pedal while you look at the brake fluid in the master. You should see the fluid move a bit when the pedal is first applied because the piston will push a bit of brake fluid back into the reservoir before you get pressure build up. It does this because of the small orifice I mentioned above.

Last edited by hemi43; 01-07-2024 at 02:46 PM.
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