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Old 01-13-2024, 01:51 AM   #1
Chevy Freak
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Join Date: Aug 2019
Location: Conneaut Lake , Pennsylvania
Posts: 225
Talking Miscellaneous 4x4 parts, trim, interior parts and body panels

Good afternoon all! Cleaning out again for anticipation of my new 67's donor to come in, most of this stuff was from parts trucks and package deals. Feel free to make an offer, I can ship from our shop fairly cheap. If you need pictures feel free to reach out, Located in Conneaut Lake PA.

1.67-72 4x4 250 i6 & V8 crossmember- $150+ shipping
2. NP205 missing the block off cover for the pto. $150
3.NP205 to sm465 adapter Coupling with housing $150 + shipping
4. Repop 67 fender- $125
5.68-72 fender, very clean but needs a small patch next to the seam by the door. $75
6. 68-72 bedside, fairly clean has some rust in the front otherwise very clean $125
7.67-68 grill, needs a dent in the top pounded out $175
8. 2 nice front bumpers- $100 each
9. Very nice front bed panel $175
10. 2 Sets of clutch peddles $100 each
11. Pair of red visors- $60 shipped
12. 71-72 cheyenne upper trim- Make offer?
13. 1 67 & 2 68-72 Center dash sections $ 80+ shipping
14. Edelbrock performer 2.0 oval port dual plane $275 shipped

Thanks for Looking!
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71 K20 5.9 p pump cummins (in progress)
68 Camaro 454BBC
86 Camaro 5.3LS turbo
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