Thread: Valve help
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Old 08-19-2004, 09:19 PM   #2
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well heres my advise! try it or not.I have put lots of cams and seen the same thing before that 4 or 5 rockers were spraying lots of oil and others not. start your engine and adjust your valve lash to 0 degrees.take 1 side off at a time ( do both).loosen 1 rocker at a time untill you can here the ticking sound and retighten it untill the tick is gone.Then tighten it an additional 1/4 to 1/2 turn to seat the pushrod in the lifter. Do this to each 1.Somtimes when the rocker is loose it will tick and shoot oil across your garage you should notice that the oil will not shoot out as bad when adjusted.It should spurt out of all pushrods but not that bad.You should use a splash pan or a piece of tin cut the length of your head to help stop oil from getting on your manifolds as this can be dangerous!!If this dont help then try cleaning the pushrods and check all rockers and balls for a crack or wear.You may have a broken rocker.If not start looking into some workin the top of your motor eg. cam& lifters.hope this helps good luck.
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