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Old 01-30-2024, 02:54 AM   #8
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Join Date: Nov 2017
Location: Mission Viejo, CA
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Re: K20 Frame/C10 Body Restoration/Registered as a C10 Truck

I wanted to thank everyone again for their input. It’s very helpful and have learned a lot. The truck has been restored but is not a restoration. It is a great example of a truck I would enjoy. However, I also like fixing these trucks up and selling if I find another one and knowing it has value and is likely to sell in the future. This mismatched cab and chassis isn’t a big deal and understand why it happens. I just worry about resale. They shared title, registration, insurance, vin plate on drivers side door and the glove box sticker. They all match the C10 VIN. It’s just sitting on a K20 frame. If I didn’t want to sell it one day I would pull the trigger.

Again thanks everyone. The seller isn’t trying to pull the wool over my eyes. I just needed to better understand the risks and reality of buying a vehicle like this one. I hadn’t run into it before this week. Micah
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