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Old 02-07-2024, 06:31 PM   #24
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Join Date: Mar 2022
Location: Hinesburg Vermont
Posts: 57
Re: Rear Posi (is it worth the money)

I guess I’d equate it to throwing a baseball. If you feel that someday you’ll be in a situation where you’ll need to hurl an object at speed with accuracy….OR if you just plain old got a Hose and want to put it on display for StreetCred, (like hanging out at the DrownTheClown booth at the fair)…’d invest in the ability to throw the heat.

If you’re quite confident you’ll never need to throw an object….or even more confident you’ll never need to publicly display your (lack of) skills, then forego the effort and hope the odds land in your favor.

If you choose path 2 and someday are forced to hurl an object at a charging bear, or get asked to throw out the first pitch at a Little Leage game…..don’t say you weren’t forewarned. It’s ok to have a limp-wristed-noodle-arm, so long as you never need to show it, and nobody ever needs you to use it.
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