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Old 02-12-2024, 11:32 PM   #486
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Re: The build date project

Originally Posted by yote1234 View Post
heres my 1971 k5 blazer built 6/71 KE181S673516
yote, I am going to leave that one off the list since it doesn't add any new information...we could have inferred a June '71 build date for that serial number based on the existing list.

I'm now updated through post 486! The updated lists can be found at the links below:

GMC on post 63
67-71 Chevy on post 64
72 Chevy on post 65

-Don't delete any posts that are prior to the most updated point of the thread. For example, if the list is updated thru post 435, don't delete any posts 1 - 435. That would be bad.
-Only post a serial number if it adds value. For example, a door sticker with the month of 11/71 doesn't provide value if its serial number is in between two other November serial numbers already on the list.
-Check the list before posting to see if the serial number is already on the list--there have been a lot of duplicates posted.
-Please type out the partial vin, the date, and the post #, ideally in this format: 2A103580 = 09/71 (post 314). This saves me a lot of time when I can copy and paste.

7S148684 = 02/14/67 - 02/28/67 (post 486)
7B148429 = 06/67 (post 486)
1F811266 = 03/24/71 - 03/31/71 (post 486)
2J507165 = 02/14/72 - 02/29/72 (post 486)
7Z151494 = 04/28/67 (post 486)
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Last edited by 402Bowtie; 02-16-2024 at 12:42 PM.
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