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Old 02-13-2024, 07:27 PM   #12
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Re: s10 suspension in an AD pickup.

you know what I would do if I were you, since you have a truck you like and don't wanna do a bunch of crazy stuff spending time and money , is look into a bolt in IFS . here is a link to a you tube showing how one fella has done his 54 chevy truck. he removed the engine etc but that may not be a must do, it would make it easier though. there are a few ifs kits out there that bolt on. that way you can do as much of it as possible. if you want to, sfter it is in place and you had it aligned and drove it for a bit to see how it rides etc, you could have a few weld beads put on at strategic spots to keep thongs exactly right. just an idea.
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