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Old 02-16-2024, 07:05 PM   #3
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Re: Kick panel vent delete

It came with one for the passenger side only. Its been on a while actually. It was the drivers side I did today. I just didn't make it clear in my original post. But to elaborate a bit more....Even thoigh the truck has good seals for the doors and windows, i always noticed that some wind noise seemed to be caused by air pressure wanting to escape the cab at speed. Since my cab is otherwise tight i suspected it was the blowby from the vent pressurizing the cabin. Since these trucks lack the air release flapper vents of their more modern brotheren it tries to get out anywhere it can (like the window channels next to my ear for example). I thought about getting some of those air check valves from a modern truck and putting them in but was afraid of opening up a can of worms if for some reason i didn't like it.

Last edited by AcampoDave; 02-16-2024 at 07:18 PM.
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