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Old 08-20-2004, 08:27 PM   #6
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Location: north of Phx AZ about 30 miles
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Another thing, if you are having trouble passing, post your numbers here. You will get some good advice, and have a pretty good idea what to do to pass. You will also hear to put in that alcohol, or gas drier before you go. Be careful with that advice when testing this time of the year, as it lower the boiling point of your fuel, leading to vapor lock. Run the lower grade of fuel to as it burns quicker/more complete, unless of course you need to run the higher grade due to high compression.
Andy,Phx AZ
'67 C-10 (Ahhh, done at last. Well there is that disk front end I want to put in and...)
"23 C-Cab-sold
'48 Ford 8N tractor(still working)
'67 Scout(Now on the road)
'70 MG B.-sold
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