I recommend mechanical fuel pump and bend plain steel brake line available in your local car parts store with flared ends. They sell them in various lengths and are easier to bend than stainless. Steel is a softer metal and I have heard less prone to cracks and also seals leak-free with less fuss. If you do end up with leaking problems I recommend copper flare gaskets, I even use them on regular steel.

Since you have Edelbrock you may need a fuel filter inline since Edelbrock doesn't have one built-in to the carburetor like a Quadrajet has, and in my opinion it would be best to put one in the line before the fuel pump and inside the frame rail, and use a metal-cased filter, the clear plastic ones are not good. Others will disagree. Edelbrocks may also need a regulator after the fuel pump. Extra plumbing like that makes me like Quadrajet a little more.
I like this style 2 of tubing bender rather than the style 1. The auto parts stores here used to rent style 2 for free and now they don't even have them on hand at all and they rent style 1. So I went to Lowes where I found style 2 for around $15.