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Old 02-19-2024, 08:27 PM   #11
Extended Power
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Re: FUEL PUMPS, Electric or Mechanical?

As soon as I relocated the fuel tank on my truck, I went with an electric in-tank pump.
I had fuel injection, so went with a Holley 12-133 pump.
Built a new engine, and switched to carb, so I had to get a regulator to knock the pressure way down from 60 psi.
Enter the Aeromotive 13220 two stage regulator.
Easy to setup, and still have a nice quiet in-tank pump.

If you go with an electric pump, put rubber mounts on it, if it’s a frame mount...and install it at the back of the truck, as it’s easier on them to PUSH fuel, than to suck the fuel. (If that makes sense)

I also have my fuel pump on a switch, so if I wanted to say, listen to the radio, I can shut the pump off. It also is wired with a “key-on” relay. So the switch can stay on all the time, as the pump will drop out, when the key is shut off.
"If it ain't broken, fix it 'till it is!"
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