Thread: 55.2-59 Fuel line question
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Old 02-23-2024, 04:56 PM   #8
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Re: Fuel line question

what does your fuel filter look like?
best option is to attach the fuel filter to the frame with a sturdy clamp of some sort. depending on the filter used there are options that will fit your scenario for that or even just go with a new filter option that has a clamp bracket. si,ilar to this
I like to start the game with a filter that is a good seller at the parts store so you can usually find one if stock on the side of the road parts store.
next, after you get the filter mounted securely, plumb in the fuel line from the frame to the filter, try to use as little rubber hose as you possibly can but ensure to leave enough wiggle room so the filter can be swapped without trouble and even then use a good quality fuel line that has some fibers in it so there is less chance of a problem. fuel injection hose is good quality stuff however it is more money than the cheap fuel line. like this
it's a short run though so it shouldn't break the bank. ensure to check the line from the tank so it has either barbs or a bulbed section or spot that will retain the hose and not let it slip off. use a good quality hose clamp, like a fuel injection style clamp on these connections. something that doesn't have holes sliced into the sides of it like the regular gear clamps and it also has a bypassing space where the clamp slides over itself and thet way there is a full circle of coverage under the clamp. like this
next up is the line from the filter to the fuel pump. the fitting in the pump will unscrew and you should be able to source a fitting that will connect to a 5/16 hose. install that and then run a short loop of good quality fuel line, as mentioned above, from the pump to the filter. the short loop is so that when the engine flexes there will be enough hose so the hose won't get strain and tear or cut itself internally on the ends of the fittings and cause a weak spot. the loop also allows some slack for when it comes time to replace the fuel filter.
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