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Old 08-21-2004, 06:49 AM   #16
71 rustless in texas
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Houston, TX
Posts: 257
These old style voltage regulator hardly worked when they were newly designed. Back when these trucks were first manufacture,d. all they were worried about was ignition, lights, a blower motor and maybe a radio. Since then they have added more accessories along with us owner creating a larger draw on the alternator. These newer external volate regulators are produced overseas and are no longer the quality that they once were. Hence they don't work as well. I installed a new altenator (35 amp) and then I went through 4 of them in 3 months along with a battery from the charging system not operating correctly. I bought a internally regulated altenator kit and installed it along with a 96 amp altenator. I also put in headlight relays. I get 14.4 amps out of the altenator all the way to the battery I no longer have weak lights or a weak ignition system. I love the new system. I did not go to a one wire system because I think that is just basically a battery charger and doesn't actually act like a altenator. It only took me about one day some soldering and the trucks charging system is now fantastic.
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