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Old 03-07-2024, 11:21 AM   #27
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Re: Borgeson Steering Box

Originally Posted by alderan33 View Post
Hey guys. I installed a new Borgeson steering box and rag joint. I centered the box as directed and installed. I turned the wheels left and right and noticed that the left turn is significantly sharper than the right. The wheels were in the same location as when I pulled the pitman arm. I removed the pitman arm and attempted to rotate it to compensate and find a closer center but it can only be rotated in 90 degree increments. And 90 degrees is way too far causing clearance issues with everything else down the line. I know the steering box is centered as it has that tight sweet spot in the middle. I don't think rotating the steering box back to the right before reinstalling the rag joint would be a good idea. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks for any help.
Did yours sit flat against the frame rail, or do you have a gap between the frame rail and mounting surfaces on the gearbox like I showed in my post earlier in this thread? Having a gap would cause the steering to be uneven.
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