Saturday was a good day.
Not warm but the cutting breeze reduced to something more tolerable.
No rain.
John was back by 10.00 in the morning to carry on with deciphering the archaeological history and crap of 33 years of each new owner adding their stamp to the sound system.
This includes two amplifiers, a 720 and 360 Watt units. Presumably forva sub woofer and the rest of the system.
They both power up.
I do not have any need for a Sub. So bypassed that.
The rear door speakers have never worked since I bought the van.
Front door speakers were and still do but not great quality. So I will go get some subtle 6x9’s for the front doors and a pair of new 6’s for the rear doors, which work but I think replacing the whole system makes sense.
Once all the chaos was sorted, John started the van with a jump pack as ignition had been on all day and the van not driven for 3-4 weeks, only to find that on starting the van, the radio stopped working. Buggerrr.
So back to tracing wires and then all fixed.
It sounds brilliant with the four speakers all working and set to the way my ears like them.
Next job for me, will be to make a U-Shaped radio surround blanking plate to close in the 15mm gap under the radio in the replacement dash unit.
I think I have just enough of the Mazda Bongo/Friendee interior trim panel that I used for the rear door trim making left to create something that is grey and colour matching.
And of course it is still raining outside but I have dry jobs that can be done.