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Old 03-22-2024, 05:44 PM   #4
Classic Bowties
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Re: Speed Warning Speedometer Needles

Originally Posted by pjmoreland View Post
Mel, here are some other parts that I believe are speed warning related. Also, I found a bunch of tach mounting hardware. Let me know if you want these parts.
Sure, I'll go ahead take the pieces that I highlighted in your below picture, I am also adding some pics of a few other speed warning head related items that I would be interested in purchasing if they should happen to be in your spare parts bins. The shown parts are a speedo face plate mounting screw (plastic), a speedo head to rear tin grounding tab, a main adjustment cable shaft gear and coupler sleeve. Not pictured, but I would also be interested in any OE style buzzers working or not, the local old timer that I mentioned earlier on the phone regarding servicing OE tach heads can also repair these old OE speed warning buzzers. Let me know if you can Id any of these items in your spare parts bins and my total due. Thanks again, Mel
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