frames on the 92 up burbs are wider and the floor pockes may hit the frame in the 69-77 K5s. Not saying it couldn't be used but might have a fit ment issue. Get a seat third row seat out of a 73-91 Sub. They have about hter same frame width as the K5's. I think it's mudzer on CK5 makes some pockets that will bolt in if you can't weld.
You might be able to use a 78-91 K5 seat BUT the fold and tumble and the back sort of hangs into the foot well that started in 78. Might be able to sit the seat up 4 inches to resolve that problem but you will have to do somethi ng about the latch. Jeep CJ, TJ and YJ also have a fold and tumble but pretty narrow. They have like 38-40 inches between the wheel wells max so it's a pretty narrow seat.
70 Pontiac LeMans Sport Convertible, worlds longest resto in progress
Looking for 71-72 2wd Blazer or Jimmy Project