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Old 04-01-2024, 01:13 PM   #7
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Re: Opinions on daily driver 350 Engine Build

Originally Posted by MikeB View Post
The GM Targetmaster/Goodwrench engine has a very mild flat tappet cam, around 195/202, 112LSA, .383"/.401" valve lift. Seems like some had .390" intake lift.

Having installed a few of them over the years, I can say they have a smooth idle and make really good torque right out of the box. Dual exhaust or a set of headers with small primaries, along with a 600cfm or smaller 4-bbl will wake up the engine and fatten up the power curve. Been there done that at least 3 times.

Actual compression as measured by magazines (and my math) is around 7.8:1. So your 60cc TF heads would bump compression up to around 9.0:1. But you could also use a .028" head gasket for a little more. But I'd use whatever gaskets TF recommends.

I had always looked at an Isky cam at 208/208 on a 108 LSA, but that was with stock heads and 7.8:1 compression With 9.0:1 you could run a cam with 110 LSA for a less overlap and a wider power band.

Guessing at head gasket thickness and how far "down the hole" the pistons are (varies from .025"-.030"), I'd say going from 75cc to 60cc chambers will get you more like 9.0:1.
Do you mind sharing the magazine arcticles or your math on the 7:8:1? That would be great because I'd like to end up at 9.0:1... isn't 0.1 for every 1cc of chamber reduction?
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