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Old 04-06-2024, 10:44 AM   #3
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Re: Steering Column question for 65 C10 (87 Running gear)

for under the hood, assuming you choose a column with a slip joint. Melt out the plastic pins in the joint and slide it apart.

get 1" DD hollow shaft , either Borgeson or generic.
get a borgeson 015231 1" DD x 3/4"-30 Steering U-Joint, it should fit the 800 series PS box from a newer C10 - but the splines on the box need to be super clean for it to slide on

cut the 1" DD to length allowing similar amount of overlap to the original
install the u-joint as per directions it comes with

I cleaned painted and greased the overlap part of the shafts, if you don't they will rust together and maybe not slide in a collision. Some seal at the top of joint would be nice, but I don't have a good solution
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