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Old 08-22-2004, 02:53 PM   #1
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Question dome light wiring?

trying to get the dome lights in my 71 blazer working, can anyone help?

here is what I got so far...

I have the piece of wiring that goes from the little 2 prong plug sticking out of the inside of the top that goes to what I guess goes into the matching connector sticking out of the fuse box. I have power coming out of the little plug sticking out of that fuse box, in this particular blazer i don't know if they came standard with the little door activated switch or someone installed them after the fact because my parts truck (a 72 blazer) does not have those, this is where i get confused because i don't get how the 72's dome lights worked without those door activated switches and it's tore apart so i can't trace anything, i can only guess that the dome lights in the 72 had a switch somewhere else. okay so i have the little door activated switches on both doors in my 71 but the wires are not connected they've been cut for whatever reason by whoever had the truck before me. so my main question is where do i hook up the wire from the door activated switch? I would think that it would be logical that it goes some where in the wiring that goes to the lights but it's a single wire and i don't quite get the concept of how it works i guess, or maybe there is suppose to be two wires comming from that switch but i can't get that switch out of the door to look at it.
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