well on my 74 chev dana44 this is how I did it.
to remove the upper ball joint nut just loosen the nut before you do anything, keep the truck on the ground, tires on etc etc.
on my truck once you have the tires off, hubs and discs etc, I can pull the axle shaft (ujoints and all) out fromt he axle housing and through the nuckles first.
then to remove the lowwer ball joint nut I jack the truck up with the jack DIRECTLY underneith the lower ball joint, this kind of binds it there allowing you to turn the nut without the whole ball joint spinning.
now that you have all the nuts removed grab a long pry bar, 6' or something. jack the vehicle up on the axle shaft. pry the nuckle down using the bar allpy alot of pressue while a friend beats down on the nuckle. it'll pop off in a few good swings of a 4lb mallet.
now the axle being out of the truck ... I dunna. thats gona be tuff.