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Old 04-24-2024, 09:07 AM   #1
fun in dirt
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Cutting off going down the road

My daily driver acts like it has a gremlin, please help!
2007 classic (cateye), 1/2 ton plain work truck, 4.3 V6.
206k miles & has been a great DD, but about a month ago it started just cutting off while I was going steady 60mph down the road. I felt a miss/ jerk several miles before for only a second & then ran smooth as silk again then it just cut off ... no check engine lights on or anything. Threw in N & coasted to the side. It would spin over & then after a few tries, crank back up & be perfect like nothing happened... maybe for even a week or so, then happen again.
Because of the initial jerking, I thought maybe fuel pump, but checked pressure & all that perfect. A co-worker said he had one acting similar & was the crank position sensor, since it was only $30 & 15 minutes, replaced that but did it again 2 days later. Last weekend replaced air filter (couldn't see the sun through it) & ignition relay (grabbing at straws), drove it Monday - Thursday (about 40 mile commute each day) with zero issues & was excited. Only for Friday afternoon going home to do it again - jerked once after about 10 miles from work, then cut off after about another 8 miles. Spin, spin & not crank (like no fire) then after sitting about 5-10 minutes it cranked like nothing wrong & made it home running smooth, no CEL or issues.
What else should I look for... any ideas?
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Built & sold cause can't keep 'em all:
'72 Blazer "The Bucket"
'55 Chevy straight axle gasser
'69 Pro Street Chevelle
'86 M1031 CUCV
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