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Old 05-09-2024, 02:04 PM   #4
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Re: Comp Hyd. Flat Tappets

I agree with posts 2 and 3, spot on, BUT...
Look at the lifter that came apart. Is there still s crown on the lifter base? Is the cam lobe showing wear on only half the lobe, should be back half, all the way around...
If so on both, a new lifter might be an OK option.

When a lobe is shiny across the lobe, front to back as in the engine, that lobe is going away.

There's great info on this site, although not a lot of engine specific info.

As far as I know, none of the cam companies make their own lifters...why? Its too expensive for them to do, in house.

Getting a set of same brand lifters as cam can make a difference for warranty (not his time, because of length of time...).

The ONLY brand of lifters worth buying are Hylift John son lifters. There is also a company called Johnson. Their stuff is good, but not as good as Hylift Johnson, period!!!
THeir lifters are expensive, but worth the money.

I'd replace those 2 lifters, if they meet spec's I mentioned. just go the OReillys and get 2 Melling lifters, or what ever popular brand they have. you need to put some moly lube on the bottoms of the lifters, Moroso part number 35000, or something like it. Run the engine like you did to break in all the lifters.
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