Me and Debi drove 290 miles (per mappoint) to Ga on Friday, and had diner with Tim C. Talked to a bunch of people at the car show / swap meet on Saturday, trying to help Tim out, when he got busy. Got to meet board member "uncle", that was set up in the swap meet area, he was pretty busy, so did not get to visit long with him. Picked up two 8 lug 16" by 10" wide rims that I hope will fit my Long horn. Also got a new T-shirt, that I think is great. Got pic's of the shirt but not the rims. Sunday - At the show first part of the day and then drove 290 miles to get back home. Had a great time and will try to post a few of the show pic's in the next few days.
(checked the rules, and it looked like I might break the one on advertising by posting the shirt pic, so I only posted part of the shirt pic.)