Thread: Bed Floor Ideas
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Old 06-17-2024, 09:47 AM   #1
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Bed Floor Ideas

Morning everyone!

Well, I was able to find a bed for my '67 K20. It was used as a utility bed / trailer for the past 40 or so years. During that time, it had a camper shell on it that protected the bed floor. While it is weathered and old, it is sound and in great shape. The rails are laser straight. All that I really need to do is weld up the side marker holes, do a little bit of body work and fully raptor line the under side and wheel wells.

My question is about the inside of the bed. As this is original and in good shape, I am not sure how I should proceed. While an oak bed would look really nice, this truck is going to be a driver. I won't be abusing the bed, but I want it to look decent. My father in law is a wood worker. I was thinking about just running these boards through a planer to clean them up. Or should I just try to sand them? I tossed around the idea of raptor lining the inside of the bed, but I am not sure if that would look terrible or not.

Does anyone have any ideas on how I should do this?

Thanks, Clay
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Clayton Sikes
Peoria, Arizona
1967 Chevy K20
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