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Old 06-20-2024, 01:15 PM   #17
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Re: Exhaust coating from Eastwood

Originally Posted by MS66 View Post
'68Orange, not sure what you used back then. Lots of horror stories about wrapped headers rusting out quite often. Just not a fan of the wrap, even though it does keep under hood temps down. I like what headers do for performance, don't miss all the heat, going to stick to factory manifolds on my daily.
The ceramic coating stuff I got from Eastwood, they don't sell anymore. I don't get their current catalogs, and I did not save the original catalog.
Stuff was Black. Only color available then. Reasonably priced, but I had to buy a second halfpint can. I shot my Heddmans inside and out. I thought with that and my arid Arizona climate, they'd last forever. I had never tried mummy wrap before, and didn't read the fine print on my Heddman warranty.
Hedders were sandblasted, then shot with brake cleaner, dried and shot with the black goop. After they were only a bit tacky, I put them both in Mom's old Hotpoint range and baked at 500*F for at least 2 hours. Paint from the upper dripped onto the lower bank. I figured that was just a cosmetic blem. [I don't think that's where the rot started. ]
After putting the DEI wrap on, I did not coat the wrap with anything.

I put a Mr. Goodwrench crate 350 in my '71 GMC Jimmy in 1999. The OEM ramshorn manifolds that were on the PO's SBC were mismatched. One had 4 ports -- capped off -- for A.I.R. and the other was pre-emissions. I elected for the Heddmans, as repop ramshorns were rediculously priced.
Hedders were 7 - 8 years old when I coated and wrapped them. Then they lasted 7 years more.
I am no longer a fan of Mummy Wrap.

Every 25 years I like to rebuild that 292, whether it needs it or not.
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