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Old 08-24-2004, 08:06 AM   #13
Catchy title goes here..
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Cool deal. Like I said I was going by the web info for this and again the website said Impala not Caprice Classic, as do the pics on ebay etc. I suppose there could be reasons everyone would post them as Impalas when they are not, its beyond me why tho. Lotsa neato info out there on them. I've never owned 70s vehicles besides trucks and a torino years ago, to new for me Thanks for the clarification!!!! I might email all these sites and let them know they are wrong too (j/k)

I am curious as to what the differences are on the impala and caprice classic. I cant find all that much info on the specific differences. this site shows this to be an impala, and to me it looks the same?
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