Originally Posted by dsraven
here's what I posted in your projects thread, just to keep everybody on the same page. if it were me it would be sitting on the engine stand and there would be boxes of parts all over the place. maybe broken piston shards all around my anvil or as far away as I can throw it (thats not far after 4 rotator cuff surgeries, lol, but it sometimes makes a guy feel better just to either beat the livin crap outta something or throw that something as far away as you can, hopefully into deep grass across the road.....)
are you running floating piston pins? possibly a clip from the pin retainer is what we see there? that would mean the other chunks are piston parts?
what size of hole would that clip be from? piston pins are likely .945 or .927 diameter.
if you can get the pan out from under you could get a light and check it out from the underside. maybe jack up the engine a bit to facilitate that cuz it's likely gotta come out anyway (sorry, bandaid is off now). if thats the case, pray the cylinder walls are ok cuz usually the pin eats a groove into the cylinder. either way it looks like you will have some engine work in your future sucks, sorry to hear it went sideways.
post up pics when you get back on it.
Yeah, the plan is to get it out & on a stand to see the extinct of the damage. Not sure what externals were used, it was built by the Hot Rod Company out of Washington. Fingers crossed that the damage isn’t to extensive.