Thread: 55 make over
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Old 07-16-2024, 01:09 PM   #79
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Re: 55 make over

welllllllll i guess here are some up dates, long over due. so I'll try and keep in order. and yes we are still chipping away at it but feel like the down hill slide is going.

since we raised the fenders as high as we could, it in returned raised the step. i lengthened the step which means the step bracket needed to be lengthened. once those were done i then added some length to fender(s). when said and done the truck will do a 20" in the front and a 22" in the rear. i'm trying to be able to run a good tire on it since we have such lovely paved roads in oklahoma
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Lug Nuts Classic Rides. (Bodywork, small fab, and Restorations)
Perry, Ok.
We're just two guys, trying our best.

72 cheyenne super

55 chevy truck
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