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Old 08-24-2004, 07:20 PM   #2
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Hilliard Ohio
Posts: 2,690
Cool You didn't think that was it did you?

I was hopin to get a shot of the beast driving up onto the trailer...but I ended up behind the wheel, () and it just didn't seem 'right' to stop 1/2 way up the ramps for a photo op...esp with a kickin thunder storm headin in. I did try to do a quick little bark on the rear tires, but the engine was still kinda cold and as soon as I nailed the gas, I chickened out wonderin if it might stall and have to jump it off again. That woulda sucked since we were blocking a public street.

Huck has his head under the beast...I think he was trying to test his tetnis shot out. (I know my spelling sucks) The other guy is the UPS guy Randy.

Like I said...a storm was movin in, and it came down pretty good too, but it was short lived.

Gettin on the freeway...

Here I am passing him...dig the shrunken head on the dash!

And here I am getting ready to pull off on my exit as he was heading south bound on I-270. This was about 6 PM Ohio time, he was heading to Jamie's place in indiana and then he has some pavement to pound on.

As always...seeing members is awsome. I think this is the 4th time we have seen each other, always interesting stories, always raggin on me. (He think's I'm a schmuck...I know, he told me)
But always a good time.
Hope you get to use more than just the new altenator that's on there!
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