Originally Posted by 72SB
actually 2 larger core, 1 1/4"-1 1/2", cools better than 4 smaller ones.
I have a Cold Case in one car and a FSR (four seasons radiator). The FSR is considerably more $ and I never had any problem with it.
The Cold Case cooled well but after a few years developed a small leak. It, like FSR, has a lifetime warranty. CC replaced it promptly
If you go EL fans, don't go cheap or you will spend a lot of time on the side of the road. SPAHL brushless fans but they cost $. Also need 2 good relay feeds, likely 30 amps each so you will need a 100 amp ALT
IMHO a 7 blade fan with clutch and stock fan shroud if its a V8 truck is the way to go.
I'm not sure what kind of 2 row this one is... It is just thin(depth) and I only see two narrow rows when I look inside (under the cap)... After putting 12lbs of pressure in it it leaks like Swiss cheese, near all three necks and at almost every solder joint. The fan that I currently have is the 5 blade and the clutch is bad... Because it is siezed (won't spin when engine isn't running and always on) so I was just planning on upgrading while I was swapping parts.