Originally Posted by Willshook
Cam at 6, crank at 12. This will leave the engine at TDC compression #6...so remember to set to 8-12 BTDC compression #1 before dropping the distributor in. Most common reason for new engines not starting.
The C3001K is fine for a stock replacement. Double roller cams are engines making over 1 HP/CID at the wheels. Shouldn't have to grind on anything. I am a fan of putting on bolt retainers, but honestly it's not really needed. Just cheap insurance for engines that are probably going to be running for a long time. You don't need a cam button.
The Dorman stuff is fine for a stock engine. The 594-012 one is fine - the "S" for the street version just means it has some high performance features like scribed on degree marks.
Water pump is kinda up to you as a 'while I'm in there' thing...
I don't know what "re-align" means, but yes - you want to verify TDC with a piston stop, make sure the mark on the balancer and your timing tab are right, and then set the timing
OK I understand TDC with a piston stop, that is how I found my current "TDC". When I'm at TDC on #1 cylinder my timing mark on the balancer is off by roughly 90 dgrs to the driver's side from the TDC timing tab/plate and my distributor rotor is pointing directly at the front of the engine (roughly 20 dgrs to the passenger side from pointing to #1 cylinder). So at this point my cylinder #1 is at TDC... I change the gears and chain and re-align my timing marks... Provided I don't take out the distributor, what is my next step please ? How do I get 8-12 degrees BTDC? I've never done this before. Explain it like I'm 5...(no sarcasm, seriously please be patient) and thank you.
Something I just realized and need to check in the morning... I believe if I turn the crank by hand clockwise (while standing in front of the truck) the distributor rotor turns counter clock wise if you are looking top-down at it... Isn't that an Oldsmobile "thing"? Could that be my "runs like poop" reason? Because I could tell after taking off the cap and rotor that the distributor itself was no name and shiny chrome inside ( the body, weights for the VA and springs) except for the GM icm and coil... Maybe I'm remembering wrong too... I do need sleep.