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Old 08-23-2024, 09:15 AM   #10
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Re: Timing chain confusion.

Originally Posted by clay68c10 View Post
1. Line up the gears dot to dot.
2. Replace timing set. Use blue loc-tite on cam bolts.
3. Install front cover (and oil pan if you removed it for access.)
4. Install new balancer. It is keyed and will only go on one way.
5. Check timing with a timing light and set as needed.

Or, just put a new balancer on it and check timing.
Is there a reason you're doing the chain?
Do I need to remove the pan? I've seen ALOT of tutorials that did/do... Not gonna lie I don't want to pull the engine out and I don't see any way to drop the pan otherwise.

Well when trying to time before I noticed "wiggle" in the timing mark when trying to set it. Meaning whenever I was using my light it was never exactly in the same place there was always "wiggle" of a few degrees advance or retarded. Also there is a significant delay between turning the crank manually and the rotor moving (almost 90 degrees, using an 18" breaker bar) I thought this was because of the chain, *shrugs*. I kinda feel like this truck was just never taken care of(maintained) ... If it ran it was used and if something needed done, but still ran it was ignored, kinda sad to think about it.
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