Re: Rear gear Ratio Opinions/Suggestions
if you're od trans averse and don't want to crack open the rear end, a gear verndors overdrive is another option. It's not the cheapest, but unless you're doing the rear end work yourself, it's not "that" much more than paying a reputable driveline shop to install your rear gears. With no other changes, a GV unit would make 3200 rpm drop to 2500 rpm (i.e. almost twice the reduction of going to a 3.31). A GV unit can be used as an overdrive only, or can be used to split gears, essentially giving you a 6-speed automatic, but there's almost zero point in the latter for the type of use you describe. Anyway, just another option so you have them all on the table.
Btw, what's your tire diameter?
I feel your pain - my C20 has a 4.56.. I haven't decided which way to go yet, and I may do nothing. I like geezer's approach too - but true statement above that driving too slow can be as dangerous as speeding on today's crazy highways. Some states have 80 mph speed limits in some areas - and I like to keep up with the flow, but that wouldn't happen in my C20.
The other thing to keep in mind is that while 3200 rpm may "seem" loud, annoying, or worse yet, damaging to the engine - only the first two may be reality - and that's probably mostly because of how our perceptions of what "should be" have changed over the last few decades with od transmissions becoming standard on everything. This old era of trucks was never designed with od transmissions in mind and a 3.73 isn't that radical - you could opt to just do nothing - cruise, sit back, and enjoy the fine whine.