hello all
thanks to the fine people here, i am now pretty sure that i have a manual steering column modified to an automatic. this is evident by my lack of a NSS switch on the column and (so far) the lack of purple wires at/near the ignition switch area. now so far all of my lights work as intended, although almost all of them were blown when i first started digging into this. i have replaced and all is good. the only exception is my back up lights. is it possible that along with the fact that i can start in any gear

that i also lost power to these? tested and 0V at socket. also in digging around i found what i believe is the connector for the backup lights tucked up under the dash, the dark green wire does read +12v volts with the ignition switched to ACC or IGN. the Light Green wire reads 0V in any position.
would appreciate any advice or suggestions anyone here might have!!!
