Im currently on leave down in GA from the Air Force and I have looked solidly for a 2wd 1st Gen Blazer for about 6 months. I am on military salary, so I have to be choosy about what I can buy...seeing as I don't have 18k to buy that yellow one that that guy in Washington can't get rid of that seemed to be on ebay and collectercartraderonline every other week...he he(lower the price turd burgler and I would buy it) anywho...
So, like I said, I have been looking everywhere...seems I look at every used car dealership I pass, on all the country roads, and every internet site I can possibly find...and the other day I am driving out of my dad's house, I used a different way than normal....5 houses down....BINGO....2 wheel drive blazer....cracked front winshield....no back hatch...looked ruff enough to be cheap. I am thinking this is perfect, because I know this is how I am going to have to find it, to find one cheap enough to even get a friggin loan on it...
so, I walk down there today. The lady answers the door and I put on my best "I was raised right and have good manners" face, and asked her if the owner would be willing to part with it....
"NO! the owner is very attached to it, it is a 1972 2-wheel drive blazer...they are very rare"...
I guess she didnt realize that is why I want it
So, I hung my head, tucked my tail, and cried all the way back to my jeep.
Ready to try again...look at the boards everynight to see if somebody wants to part with their baby at a reasonable price...
Sorry for the rant....but there has to be some people out there that feels my pain. Please tell me there is luck o'er the hill and through the woods at grandmother's house or something...